LinkedIn Profile Services

LinkedIn Profile Services

LinkedIn Profile Services

Your LinkedIn profile can help you connect with opportunities by showcasing your unique professional story through experience, skills, and education. If you are looking to advance your career, having an up-to-date and relevant LinkedIn profile that gets you noticed is a vital part of your professional brand.

As a talent pool where recruiters, HR, and hiring managers search for potential candidates, standing out on LinkedIn matters, it has multiple functions, including networking, freelance work opportunities, and gaining industry and employment insights.

Our LinkedIn profiles will get you noticed by:

  • Having the right headlines and optimised keywords that target the specific skills required within your industry
  • Highlighting your unique strengths and achievements and work experience to set you apart and improve your search rankings with future employers
  • Updated settings to maximise search results
  • Guidance on profile maintenance for continued relevance and optimisation
  • Tips for building your professional network

The Process

We will interview you about your career goals, skills, work history, education, and achievements. We will research competitive industry insights and create a tailored LinkedIn profile that showcases BRAND YOU!

Fee Guide(includes GST)

Please note: We allow up to 2 revisions within 2 weeks of your first profile draft.