Presentation Skills Program

Presentation Skills Program

This workshop focuses on the quality of your face-to-face presentations. The presentations you make may have many objectives; for example to inform, to persuade, or to motivate. One consistent objective, however, is that you are asking your audience to change in some way. You may be asking them to change by doing something, thinking something, or remembering something.

Stimulating change requires you to influence your audience to accept and act upon your request. Influence is about deliberately creating change in others; a change in attitudes, behaviours, or beliefs.

In business, we generally use persuasion to achieve these goals, where persuasion is a subset of influence.

To persuade, you have to communicate. If you are not communicating you cannot influence.

If you fail to engage your audience, you fail to persuade.

For a presentation to be effective, it must be influential, persuasive, and engaging. This workshop, therefore, focuses on developing your persuasive presentation. It provides a framework that will help you plan, prepare and deliver a presentation that will be tailored, two-way, engaging, and outcomes-driven.